For residential projects we offer everything from demolition to new construction. Whether you just want to get a bid for a patio, to replace a deck, or add a new Accessory Dwelling Unit, feel free to request a quote for whatever it is and we’ll come take a look.
In the carousel below you’ll find a few images from our custom Lindal Cedar Home in NE Portland.
I used to be licensed under the name of ‘Homecraft’ while I spent a few years as the Oregon Dealer for Lindal Cedar homes. Lindal offers about a one-hundred different models to choose from and has shipped over fifty-thousand lumber packages out of Seattle to anywhere in the world. Just about every project would get modified to suit the site slope, sun, driveway approach, etc. Most of my work was in translating clients needs into a 3D model and outputting 2D plans.
Once the 3D models were finished I would export them as scaled 2D preliminary construction documents. The plans created a cost-effective way to get accurate quotes from local General Contractors and Subcontractors, share with a lender (along with the bids), get a quote for engineering calculations, get approval if there’s an HOA, due diligence at the Bureau of Development Services, geotechnical review, output renderings and, most importantly, get an accurate pricing package from Lindal.
As I modeled I would send little screen capture videos to ask specifics and make sure things were going in the right direction. Lindal homes are laid out on a specific grid so I would always start with a layer called ‘Lindal Grid,’ get the floor plan approved, and then start modeling vertically.
Here’s an example of a video review from the 2D plans listed above. This client lived in Portland but was building a house in San Marcos, California. This was the second house I ‘translated’ for this particular client with the first being in Santa Barbara. Each project usually took around ten of these three-five minute videos to iron out the details of the clients vision before drawing up the preliminary plans.
This project was a 2224 square foot house built in Trout Lake, Washington. The clients had come with graph paper sketches of their intended floorplan, which you can see at the beginning of the video. Going from sketches to 3D model brought the project to life and allowed for some minor adjustments to the layout and sizing. Once they were happy with the model I exported it as 2D plans. Klickitat County was able to accept the plans as construction documents since they don’t require a licensed architects stamp. Our old friend, and WA licensed General Contractor, Kevin Eichner lived just down the street so I set the clients up with him to take on the build. Kevin does amazing work and the house came out beautifully. You can see it on the AK builders Portfolio page here.