People often ask me why I’m not on Instagram so I thought I might as well answer that here rather than keep folks wondering why they can’t find me.

I think there’s a ton of good that comes out of social media, and technology in general, but for now I’ve decided to maintain only this website, and no other digital platforms. That being said, at any minute I could change my mind and opt back in!

I try and remind myself that I mostly enjoy the experience of creation, not the resulting compensation, or ‘likes’, or the associated dopamine production. I recognize that human attention is an extremely valuable commodity, which tech corporations excel at capturing. Knowing this, I choose to focus my attention on the physical world, my family, my friends and my own sense of self-worth as opposed to some digital metric of comparison / status. I’m more into the attainment of happiness, as opposed to the pursuit, and being content with things just the way they are affords me, and you, or anyone, this luxury.

I choose to focus my attention on strategies to produce art and enjoy my day. I’ve noticed that social media pulls me into strategizing how to best sell art, which effects my direction. I recognize that as a bit of a trap, and I start to feel that we serve our technology, as opposed to it serving us. But who knows, I may consciously step back into it one of these days.

I find a ton of value from the open sharing of information that social media provides and like all tools, there is a time and place for it, and a way to use it responsibly.